Sunday, April 13, 2014

Emily turned 4 February!:)

Happy 4th birthday Emily!! We had such a fun, memorable birthday party for you this year at the park. We invited friends to a park for fun and cake- under he impression that rain may possibly be in the forecast. The girls and I arrived early and started setting up - then raindrops. So I packed it all back in the  van and began scurrying for plan B. Then the sprinkles stopped- and I unloaded again and decided we would party as long as we could. We had a Frozen themed birthday party playing and eating at the park for about 45 minutes until the thunder roared and a few sprinkles began.We quickly grabbed the cake (almost dropped it) lit the candle (almost wouldn't light) and sang the fastest happy birthday song ever as a huge boom of thunder came. All the while trying to capture pictures with my phones With the help of some of my best friends (daddy got stuck in a surgery and couldn't make it) we dished out the cake and everyone enjoyed...until surprisingly the sun came out!! Great we thought... but unfortunately it lasted all of 5 minutes and then very large cold HAIL balls began falling from the sky- truly the sky opened up and or frozen theme became even more real. I always deliver in the party department-ha! All the adults grabbed the children and through them in cars for protection...then we sprinted around the park in the hail packing up, cleaning, saving the party items. With the help of the best friends one could ever ask for, we all got everything packed up and back in the van. Possibly the most interesting and quick birthday parties ever. It will go down in my books as a birthday party never to be forgotten...just like Emily's 3rd year of life! Here's to a new year as a FOUR!!!

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