Friday, September 6, 2013

State of the Blog

It is September. I haven't posted anything on here since May...and even then, it was just uploading pictures from an app on my phone. So I have devised a plan:) I started this blog when we moved away for our residency...which will be coming to a close this June. :) :) :) My goal was to a) document our lives during the early years of our family and b)share life with our family who just happens to live 600 miles away. I'm going to try and keep this blog going for the remainder of our time here and then I'll probably print it out, make books for the girls, and call it a done deal. I have loved blogging about my girls- but I'm just a little busy trying to live life with them and less concerned about time spent on the computer. And, if we break, crack, or hurt ANOTHER computer in the process, Brad will probably never us a single new object that costs more than $5. So that is the state of our blog:) 

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