Some things I love about my 2 year old...
her extreme excitement and wide eyed wonder
her love for people
how she loves her little sister
how she is starting to imagine and play pretend
how she adores her mommy...hopefully this won't ever change! ;)
how she laughs hard when I tickle her belly
how she loves to sing...or rather listen to me sing
how she loves her friends, and every song we sing somehow has to turn into the never-ending song that we add all our friends names into.
how she has a new obsession with lambs...she calls them baa baa's and sleeps with 3 of them
how she can buckle herself into her booster seat, car seat, and any other seat you can find
how she loves to play with money- mostly enjoys taking money out of daddy's "piggy bank" and transferring it to hers. She is a smart little cookie.
how she will open the refrigerator and climb into it...literally. I am pretty sure my mom told me a story about ANOTHER little girl who used to do that. :)
how she is so stinking amazes me the conversations we have, the dialogue she follows and how intuitive she is.
how she loves band aides...Dora the Explorer ones
how she is finally getting long enough hair to pull back into a pony tail...notice the pictures!
how she is the most perfect 1st born I could ever ask for!
Thank you Lord for my sweet Caroline. I am so blessed to be her mommy, her friend, her teacher, and her life long prayer warrior. I cannot wait to spend so many more HAPPY birthdays with her in the future.