We LOVED having Brad with us the whole weekend. We had friends over for dinner Saturday night, enjoyed church Sunday morning (Emily visited the nursery for the first time...and almost made it through the service- I was paged about 5 minutes before it was over) and then we relaxed at home Sunday afternoon, and got to enjoy an evening with our new sweet friends the Munsons. We are doing a small group bible study with them. Patrick is a ENT Fellow- did his residency at Mayo Clinic and has 1 year left as a Peds ENT Fellow here in Little Rock. Laura is his amazing wife who raises 3 handsome boys- Jaydon(6), Will(5), and David (2). We enjoyed hanging out and eating with them last night and look forward to meeting each Sunday evening together. I took my camera last night and planned on getting some pictures- but seems like things go by so fast while we are over there that I forgot. I feel like I could spend hours and hours visiting with them- their friendship is a true God sent blessing. It's so nice to have someone who can relate and cheer you on in the walk of life you are in. Laura and I are praying about and actually starting the process of bringing the Side by Side Residents spouse bible study to Little Rock. it is a nationally known CMA affiliated group that is alive and kicking in some cities- just not ours. There is not one here, so we are looking into starting one. May be a slow process at first, but I feel like God has laid it on my heart in so many different ways to help minister to other wives, families, etc. who face the same trials we have and are facing. SO...we'll keep you updated on that!
And finally- Emily turned 4 months old on Saturday. It's BLOWING my mind how fast time is going by and how much she is changing and learning every single day! We go for her dr. check up on Friday and will report her stats then. But here are just a few things that she is up to-
-she loves to grab her toes and play with her feet
-She giggles and laughs and is so light hearted when she is interacting with people
-She is a little tenderhearted- gets spooked easily and likes things calm and quiet for the most part
-loves watching Caroline and has really learned to "roll" with Carolines feisty-sister love ;)
-Speaking of ROLLING...she is rolling all over the place! She is having a little bit of a hard time staying asleep because she is constantly practicing her rolls- and once she is on her back she will not go to sleep. So, yet another sleep disturbance that we will work through. ;) I remember this with Caroline, but don't' remember what we did to solve it.
-She has beautiful, bright red hair, grayish-blue eyes, and the sweetest rolls on her legs that you have ever seen.
-She loves giving kisses and will open her mouth and dive in for a kiss.
-Her sleep patterns are still not quite where I want them- but we're getting there. She goes about 4-5 hours at a time- going down around 8 and finally waking around 8- with 2 or 3 feedings between.
-size 3 diapers, wearing 6-9 month clothes.
I am thinking she weighs about 15-16 lbs...we'll see how far off or accurate I am on Friday. :)
These pictures are nothing extravagant, but all I could round up from this weekend. I always have good intentions of taking pictures Sunday before church or when we go out- but we always are in a whirlwind of motion and chaos getting out the door and pictures are not the #1 priority. But...you can't go wrong with pictures of these cuties!
LOVE the last video of brad/emily! warms my heart in anticipation to see Matt do the same with Noah! :) so special.